
励志文章2024-04-22 14:38:350
1、唯一的心,唯一的繁华。 The only heart, the only prosperity. 2、能被抢走的爱人,那不叫爱人。 A lover who can be robbed is not called a lover. 3、下一年、我们说好了去看海。 Next year, we agreed to see the sea. 4、即已不回头,何必去挽留。 That is, if you don't look back, why do you want to stay. 5、君记我一瞬,我念君半生。 You remember me for a moment, I miss you half a life. 6、习惯了两个人,睡单人床。 Used to two people, single bed. 7、月亮一走,风儿也觉无聊。 As soon as the moon goes, the wind feels bored. 8、涐爱你,我想跟你永远在一起。 I want to be with you forever. 9、你有新欢了,我连旧爱都不是。 You have a new love. I'm not even an old one. 10、越是在乎的人,越是猜不透。 The more you care, the more you can't guess. 11、希望他会记得你每次生日。 I hope he will remember every birthday. 12、爱甜点的女生终有一段情。 The girl who loves dessert has a love affair. 13、我不但可爱,我还可爱你了呢。 I'm not only cute, but I love you. 14、越等心就越冷,越想伤就越深。 The more waiting, the colder the heart, the deeper the injury. 15、为何突然离开,心如何替代。 Why suddenly leave, how to replace the heart. 16、感情淡了,不会放点盐么。 The feeling is light, can't put a little salt. 17、回首月半弯,一分凄凉。 Looking back on the half moon, a desolate. 18、一种很甜的毒药、戒不掉的爱! A kind of very sweet poison, can't give up love! 19、我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃! I love you, the ends of the earth, never give up! 20、我会安静,干净,等你回来。 Clean. I'll be quiet when you come back. 21、忏悔,才能真正得到尊严。 Repentance is the only way to get dignity. 22、暗恋最好,永远不会失恋。 Secret love is the best, never be lovelorn. 23、你一点点的微笑就能让我勇敢。 A little smile from you can make me brave. 24、遇见你,我感觉自己好笨好笨。 I feel so stupid when I meet you. 25、回不去的温柔,泪水如泉涌。 Can not go back to the gentle, tears such as spring. 26、我相信你,信到怀疑自己。 I believe in you, I believe in myself. 27、我读不懂,你眼中的风景。 I don't understand the scenery in your eyes. 28、你给予的温柔,让我措手不及。 The tenderness you gave me caught off guard. 29、夺我初吻之人,现在是我爱人。 The one who took my first kiss is my love. 30、我们都没有错,错的是时间。 We are all right. It's time. 31、我梦到你,在无数个夜里。 I dream of you, in countless nights. 32、爱情是两个人的利己主义。 Love is two people's egoism. 33、和你一起,去天涯海角。 With you, to the ends of the earth. 34、知道你所有缺点,还是喜欢你。 I know all your faults and still like you. 35、你要是消失了,至少我会发现。 If you disappear, at least I'll find out. 36、你的妩媚,只有莪可以领悟。 Your charm, only I can understand. 37、世界再大,我眼里只有你。 No matter how big the world is, I only have you in my eyes. 38、你是一本书,值得我阅读。 You are a book worth reading. 39、虚伪的你们,无奈的我。 Hypocritical you, helpless me. 40、留下的,才是值得珍惜的情缘。 What is left behind is worth cherishing. 41、待我了无牵挂,许你浪迹天涯。 I'll let you roam the world. 42、会有一个你,温暖我的生命。 There will be a you, warm my life. 43、爺般不生气,生气时不般。 I don't get angry, but I don't like it when I'm angry. 44、等来一世错,错把今生离。 Wait for a life wrong, wrong to leave this life. 45、听熟悉的歌,想陌生的你。 Listen to familiar songs, I want to be strange to you. 46、我爱你,只因为你是你。 I love you just because you are you. 47、我想换个身份重新认识你一遍。 I want to get to know you again. 48、睡觉,只是换个世界想你而已。 Sleeping, just thinking about you in another world. 49、海绵宝宝丶感谢有你的陪伴。 Sponge baby, thank you for your company. 50、违心的话语,说的很抱歉。 I'm sorry to say something against my heart. 51、曾经的陌生、现在的美好。 Once strange, now beautiful. 52、既然不爱了,恨也没有意义了。 Since you don't love, hate is meaningless. 53、你再忠于感觉,也得两情相悦。 No matter how loyal you are to your feelings, you have to be happy. 54、什么都介意,又什么都原谅。 Mind everything and forgive everything. 55、不怕别人笑,会勇敢很好。 It's good to be brave and not afraid to be laughed at. 56、愿得一心人,白首莫相离。 Wish to have one heart, white head do not leave. 57、时间仍在,是我们在飞逝。 Time is still there, we are flying. 58、傻与不傻,要看你会不会装傻。 Whether you are stupid or not depends on whether you pretend to be stupid. 59、人生是一场错过,愿你别蹉跎。 Life is a miss, I hope you don't waste it. 60、爱是一种记忆,苍老的繁华。 Love is a kind of memory, old and prosperous.




